Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer Review Blog

On my peer review day, my group was assigned to review a film opening created by group 13. Before I got to watch group 13's film, I had to finish exporting my own to give it to the group who would be reviewing mine. After the exporting process was finished, I gave my flash drive to the group who would be reviewing it and received the flash drive of the film I would be reviewing. I made sure I looked over the peer review worksheet that my teacher had provided before watching the opening, so I would know what to look for. The first time I viewed the film I wrote notes on the worksheet. After it had finished, I went through and answered the yes or no questions and left the ones I wasn't sure of blank. The second time I watched it, I specifically looked out for anything I had missed the first time, so I could finish answering the questions I couldn't earlier.

While watching the film opening, I noticed many interesting aspects the members of group 13 had used. One of the additions the members made that I was interested in and impressed by was the graphic match. The graphic match started with the father closing a bag and then transitioned to the daughter opening a bag. I really liked how smooth the transition was and how creative the idea was. Furthermore, I liked the sound quality the creators were able to establish. I could hear most of the dialogue clearly, but there were a few lines I had difficulty understanding. If the background music was lowered during the scenes with dialogue, that would fix the problem because it would allow the audience to better hear what is being said. 

One of the things I found that group 13 could work on was fixing the lighting. The lighting throughout the film was very dark which made the scenes very difficult to see. Some of the scenes that took place outside were so dark that I couldn't see anything at all. If the group makes the scenes brighter then that would make it so the viewer can better see and understand what is happening in the film.

Overall, I liked the direction group 13 is going in to create their film opening. The opening is very interesting and is attention-grabbing. I believe that their finished film opening is going to be very good.

The two pictures below are of the peer review worksheet.

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